Sunday, October 26, 2014

My little helper at work: October 22, 2014

You know how kitty cats "help" you type?  Jade was my helper when we stopped by the office the other night.  She hadn't been back there with me in over a year but remembered watching "Five Little Monkeys" on the computer and remembered where Phyllis keeps the chocolate.

Tuckered out!  She fell asleep during "Pirates v. Cowboys," a very entertaining book.  Really!

Greenhouse going up: October 22, 2014

Papa and Jade check out the shovel sharpener.  Papa will need a sharp shovel to dig holes for concrete blocks to support the greenhouse.

Papa Tom shows Jade the shovel sharpener

Papa Tom balancing on the greenhouse frame

Jade kicked off her [my] high heels to balance on the greenhouse frame.

Fashionable Fox saunters out in her [my] heels and purple socks to check out Papa's work.

Sparks fly as Papa sharpens the sharp shooter for digging holes for concrete blocks for the greenhouse.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Wolf head reflection: October 16, 2014

Is it my imagination, or is that a wolf head reflected on the wall?  I can't figure out how the light took two Texas Lone Stars in the front door and turned them into a wolf head!  He seems to like the Shiva's Headband poster.

Sadie and Jade: October 15, 2014

Beka and Sadie came for one last visit before they'll be moving from Manhattan to Austin.  Scott and Sadie will fly down and Tom and Beka are going to drive belongings down in early November.

Sadie is 11 months younger than Jade.  The two of them hit it off!

Don't worry Jade.  Sadie will be back in "three short weeks."  Then you can play and play!

Pumpkins on the porch: October 10, 2014

I see two pumpkins and a Pumpkin!

Do you see the talking skeleton?  "I see you!"  "Hey, where you going?"

Arranging autumn flowers: October 10, 2014

Jade helped me arrange esperanza and lion hearts (also called obedience plants, because the flowers follow the sun just like sunflowers do).

The flowers are from the front yard.  The lavender lion hearts will spread all over the yard if you let them. They're heat resistant and don't require a lot of water: perfect for Austin, Texas.

Well, the light was interesting too.  She discovered that the "curly cue" light bulb wasn't as hot as the traditional light bulb. 

All done!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Perini Ranch: Saturday, October 11, 2014

Papa Tom and our friend Greg took a guys' road trip to Abilene on Friday.  Stopped at a place called Wholly Cow that serves the Wholly Grail: a burger with eight patties, a mountain of fries, and a milkshake.  If you can finish it in 30 minutes, it's free!  But these photos aren't from the Wholly Cow.  These are from the Perini Ranch in Buffalo Gap, about 20 miles south of Abilene.  The burgers are rated #1 in Texas.  The bacon-wrapped jalapeno poppers stuffed with cream cheese are delicious too!

Ready for that first bite!

Pumpkins at the ranch

Outside the restaurant

Have you ever been inside a tin-roofed building during a thunderstorm?  Sometimes the rain pounding the roof is so loud you can't hear yourself talk!

Papa Tom and Greg's ride.  Just kidding!

Must be beautiful to stroll among the mesquites at night.

Bevo's cousins hanging out at the ranch.  They're safe; I think the burgers are made with Angus beef.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

The 'hood it is a changin': October 2014

Will and Tory, right across the street from us, built their house about 3 years ago after Jay's  house was torn down.
Next door to Will and Tory, Joel and Debbie are remodeling their house.  Maybe we've brought you some of Joel and Debbie's LovePuppy brownies?  They're available at various restaurants all over town, including Torchy's Tacos.

Two doors down from Joel and Debbie are Sybil and John.  They moved their 2/1 off the lot a couple of years ago and built this house because they wanted more space and also wanted to stay in the 'hood.  They both work at home.  Sybil bakes and decorates cakes; she now has a separate pantry for storing the decorated cakes before delivering them to customers.

Alice lives next door to Sybil and John.  That "Pool" sign does not mean she's having a swimming pool installed.  Neither are we.  We also have a "Pool" sign in support of Leslie Pool, who we're voting for in the November City Council election.

Next door to Alice, another contemporary house is going up.  The original home was sold and torn down earlier this year after owner David passed away.

Next door to David's house is what appears to be a giant house of more traditional design.  The original house suffered extensive smoke damage in a fire late last year and was torn down to make way for this new one.
Who needs an Austin Outhouse when the garage is already equipped?

Looking back down the street toward our house.  Watch out for nails in the road!


Amy's Ice Cream: October 9, 2014

Grand-nephew Jim, age 2, on the Amy's Ice Cream playground near our house.

Papa Tom hoists kiddos Jade, Jim, and grand-niece Sadie, age 2, onto one of Amy's cows.

Cowboys and cowgirls!

Onward to the slide!  Never mind that chocolate ice cream is melting in its cup.

Papa Tom with cowgirls Sadie and Jade.

Birthday time!

Following the concert, we celebrated birthdays at Al, Joyce, and Emma's house.  We brought chocolate-covered strawberries, Dubliner cheese (Emma's favorite), and a bottle of wine from a Montreal vineyard to belatedly celebrate Joyce's birthday too.  Do you know what "7-26" and "8-9" stand for?  Hint:  thanks, Joyce and Emma, for not including the years!

Emma, Al, and Joyce

Mmm!  I suppose we'll share . . . .

Emma, Papa Tom, and me

When did you get so tall, Emma?

Emma's Fall choir concert: October 6, 2014

Do you see Emma?  Here she is posing after the Midway High School fall choir concert with some of the other members of the all region concert choir.  She was one of few freshman chosen from area high schools to sing with the choir.  We're so proud of you, Emma! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Mya power!

Oh my!  I asked Brandy to send me this photo of Mya to put over my computer to remind me to work, work, work!  I think Mya means business!  Mya, you make me smile every time I look at your picture!

Hook 'em!

Sweet little Piper was more ready for yesterday's UT v. Baylor game than the Horns were, apparently. Being a graduate of both schools (Baylor undergrad, U.T. Law), my position was "may the best team win" and I think it did!  Do you see big brother River in the background with his jack-o-lantern?

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Birthday amethyst from Papa Tom

Papa Tom gave me an amethyst point for my birthday back in July.  Amethyst is believed to have both stimulating and soothing properties for the wearer.  Our friend Jules, who is a jeweler, added the chain and clasp.  Thank you, Papa Tom!  It's beautiful!

We did it!

If you just felt the universe shift, there's a reason.  Papa Tom and I now have android phones!  Oh, and Papa says the best way to reach him is by text, not email.  Well okay.

My new phone arrived yesterday (new, improved communication began October 3).  I spent a good bit of time today adding contacts (your names, phone numbers, etc.).  Instructions with the Moto G said I simply had to remove the SIM card from my old phone and put it in the new one, and the contacts would automatically transfer.  Yeah, somehow I don't think the Moto G people realized what kind of phone I had before.

My old phone didn't take or receive photos, connect to the internet, play music, etc., etc.  One of my favorite features on the new phone is that I can listen to FM radio (read "NPR") simply by inserting headphones, which act as an antenna.  Having so much fun already!