Sunday, December 27, 2015

Heading back to Austin: Saturday, December 26, 2015

Mya and Pepper tell Papa Tom good-bye

Mya gave us a balloon Pepper to take home with us.  Pepper survived the plane ride!

Learning to use Mya's sewing machine: December 26, 2015

Mya loves to sew by hand.  Santa brought her a sewing machine.  

Brandy and Mya learn to use the sewing machine.  Can a new outfit for Papa Bear be far behind?

Cute cap and jacket for Papa Bear!

And, because Papa Bear is a bear, his cap must have ear holes and his jacket must have a tail hole.

More fun the day after Christmas 2015

Piper's favorites stuffed animal is Safari the Giraffe.  Mya made a balloon giraffe for Piper.

There's Piper!

Ryder and River assemble the Scooby Doo Lego set.

Air and fire: December 26, 2015

Piper, River, Mya, and Brandy on the trampoline.  Warm enough the day after Christmas to hang outside without jackets.

Disposing of Christmas wrappings

At the fire pit.  It had rained so much that the ground was muddy.  Dead leaves wouldn't even catch fire.

Christmas Day 2015

River and Ryder build a marble run

Mya, River, and Piper set up a balloon stand in the driveway and had a few customers for balloon dogs especially

Face painting on Christmas Day 2015

Papa Tom requested a kitty cat

Black and white kitty

I asked to be a tigress

Christmas Eve 2015

Papa Tom, Mya and Pepper, and me

Setting out almond milk and cookies for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer

Throwing out reindeer food:  oats and glitter

Mya, River, and Piper: Christmas holidays 2015

The kids check out videos of trained rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs

Stirring honey milk for bedtime

Mya wanted slippers for Papa Bear.  I hand-sewed some for her to put on him.

The kids decorated ice-cream cone Christmas trees

Christmas Eve 2015

Papa, River with Jumper, Mya with Pepper, Piper, and me

Meeting Jumper the Mouse and Pepper the Rat

River's buddy Jumper

Pepper nibbles a crust of bread
Jumper's ride, built by River

On our way to Asheville: Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Luckily we left early.  Had to wait a bit on light rail crossing repair.

What a welcome sight when we landed!

Early Christmas with Amon, Anjanette, and Jade: Monday, December 21, 2015

Papa Tom starts the black beans for the tacos with a lot of chopped onion and garlic.

Time to take the skillet outside and add the beans!  (The smoke detectors will go off if the beans are added inside).

New coloring book and colors

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Almost moving day, but party first: Saturday, December 19, 2015

Jose dropped off the keys today.  Amon will move into the condo tomorrow.  We will miss him!  We will miss Jade!

But first, Amon has a party to attend!

Very spiffy in cocktail attire!

Tom's office party at The Oasis: Thursday, December 17, 2015

Lake Travis is back up!  Community Clinical Research had its annual holiday party at The Oasis.

The Oasis and its wooden decks burned down several years ago. The new, improved Oasis is an art center.  Sculptures and paintings are everywhere!

The hillsides are green.

"Hello, I'm P. Flamingo.  I'll be your server tonight."

Swooning at Santa's feet

Sunset at The Oasis

Family get together at NXNW: Monday, December 14, 2015

Girls just wanna have fun!  Sadie and Jade live it up.  Amon, Jade, Beka, Sadie, and Evelyn all had dinner with us.

Evelyn and Beka


Papa Tom with Sadie and Jade

Girls:  Sadie, Jade, and me

Back door house is evolving

This new view from our deck is so strange.  We used to catch sunset through the elms.

Piper is ready for Christmas!

Can't wait to see this sweet munchkin in a few days!  Asheville here we come!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Emma as "May" in "Junie B. Jones in Jingle Bells, Batman Smells": Saturday, December 11, 2015

Emma played a difficult 6-year-old.  Jade was entranced by the play and got to hang out briefly with Emma between the 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. shows.

Jade wanted to meet Aurora, who played the class rich girl.  Aurora let Jade try on her tiara.

Emma and Jade borrowed Santa's chair.
