Sunday, July 10, 2016

And cupcakes for dessert!

After lunch, we picked up cupcakes from a local food truck. I wanted the salted caramel cupcake but the caramel frosting was too frozen to apply.  So went for the chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake.  So yummy!

How many turtles do you see?

After Emma's performance with the Baylor University All State Choral Choir (heavenly!--kids from all over the state only had four days to learn some complex music), the Horns treated me to an early birthday celebration at Buzzard Billy's, on the Brazos River.  Thanks for a great time! 
Turtle watchers Al, Emma, Joyce, and Papa Tom
How many turtles do you see?  Luckily for these guys, this Cajun restaurant doesn't serve turtle soup!

Play time!

Playing with one of the kittens.  Columbus and Milo will be neutered on July 13; Lady Sadie will be spayed on July 18.  We really, really hope they will go to happy homes.

Emma on July Fourth

You look ready for The Voice!

And with a smile.

Fourth of July

Instead of braving the crowd and traffic at Auditorium Shores, we sat up on the hill at MoPac and Lake Austin Blvd.  Close enough to enjoy the show and escape the area before traffic got heavy.  Stopped for ice cream on the way home.  Not as good as Dad's homemade ice cream, but pretty good.  Papa Tom had his favorite:  Ben & Jerry's Cherry Garcia. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Tomato pie

Thanks, Papa Tom, for delicious homegrown tomatoes and fresh basil.  Take those, add a little cheese and egg and bake in a whole wheat pie crust . . . .  oh my!  what a treat!


Papa Tom says kittens and cats are natures clowns.  These two are entertaining for sure!

Three little kittens

Why do their eyes glow when their photo is taken with a flash?  Couldn't find an answer specific to cats, but here's the fascinating explanation for dogs (and for red eyes in photos of humans):

In dogs (and many other animals, but not people), the retina has a reflective layer behind it called the tapetum lucidum, which acts like a mirror, reflecting light at the back of the eyes. The reflective layer is what helps dogs see better at night. Light is reflected outward, giving the dog's retina a second chance to absorb the rays.
This is what takes place when you snap a flash picture of your pet, and it’s why your dog’s eyes may take on a creepy glow. Individual dogs have different colored tapetum, which is why some dogs’ eyes take on a green glow, others a yellow glow, and so on.
If your dog consistently has red-eye in photos, he might not have pigment in the tapetum. This means the red is coming from blood vessels at the back of the eyeball, which is also the cause of human red-eye.

"Guys and Dolls"--June 26, 2016

Emma performed as one of the Hot Box Girls in the Waco Children's Theater performance of "Guys and Dolls."  At one point, she leaped up onto a table and hit high C!  I think the Mae West platinum blonde works for you, Emma!

Art for Anjanette: June 24, 2016

During the two weeks that Fox was with Amon, she sent some artwork to her Mom.  She asked us if she needed to "slobber" on the envelope to seal it and Amon told her to "Just lick it."  She decided to write "Just lick it" and draw a lot of tongues on the seal.  The drawing is of step-Dad Jason picking apples; Mom; and step-cousin Quinn.