Sunday, March 26, 2017

Garden update: March 25, 2017

First baby bell, no larger than a pepper blossom

Watermelon seedlings have sprouted

6 years and 2 days: Saturday, March 25, 2017

Fox's official birthday party was at Lala and Papa Jay's house on Saturday.  Anjanette painted faces for the party.

Kitty cats Fox and Mia

Making a wish

Amon, Fox, Anjanette, and Fox's cousin Nick.  The kids interrupted their Star Wars light saber battle long enough for a photo.

National Association of Teachers of Singing Competition, Fort Worth: March 24, 2017

Emma competed in the NATS Competition in Fort Worth on Friday, March 24.  She made the semi-finals in the Classical Competition.  I apologize for not naming your friend, Emma.  Another accomplished singer, no doubt?

Here she is, awaiting results.  Meanwhile, on Saturday, March 4, the Midway HS Chamber Singers placed 2nd in the prestigious San Antonio Chamber Choir/Madrigal Festival. Forty chamber choirs from many of the top 6A HS choral programs across the state competed in the event. The MHS group received first division ratings from all judges and were named 1st Runner-Up to the San Antonio Reagan HS Chamber Singers.

6 years and 1 day: March 24, 2017

Papa Tom, Amon, Fox, and I celebrated her birthday at our house on Friday, March 24.  We started out by decorating balloons.

Pikachu pinata

Remember your katana, Ryder?  It's about 25 years old now; does double duty as pinata stick.  We were very careful not to whack it on the stone patio.

Trying to figure out how the angle of the sun made the katana shadow where it is.  

Papa Tom's baseball skills at work.

Happy 6, Fox!  Plenty of cake is left for Chase's birthday party on March 31.

Balloon animal time!

Birthday lunch with Fox: March 23, 2017

Papa Tom and I surprised Fox at school on her birthday.  We joined her in the cafeteria for lunch.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

SXSW, compressed: Saturday, March 18, 2017

Too busy with work this year to catch any indie films at SXSW.  But we did, at least, make our annual pilgrimage to the alley behind the Yard Dog, and saw the Ian Moore band.  Impressive local talent.

I should have worn my red cowgirl boots!  Showed up in flip flops myself, thanks to it being a warm, sunny day.

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

St. Paddy's Day at NXNW.  Papa Tom wore a ceiling fan on his head.

Amon borrowed Fox's hair chalk for a green goatee.

Hanging out with my baby boy.

The bouncy house out back was a big hit.

Spring Break with Fox: March 13-14, 2017

Fox spent the first night of Spring Break with us.  Papa Tom made her a face of sausage, tater tots, and ketchup for dinner.

Breakfast at the Brentwood Social House, a few blocks from our house.

Cafe au lait, hot chocolate, and drawing a "Monster in Paris" character

Happy 6, River!

This photo is from the December visit to Austin.  Had so much fun with you, River!  Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

At Sarah and Kirk's open house: March 11, 2017

Fox regaled Joe (Kirk's 6-year-old nephew) and Sadie (Scott and Bekka's 5-year-old) with her version of "Soft Kitty," a very sweet song that maybe she made up?  

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Fox and Chase

Chase now weighs in at just under 12 pounds.  

Farther than it looks

Gotta move that dirt, one trash barrel at a time

Having the right tools is key: a shovel, a trash barrel, and a hand truck.  And most key:  a strong and determined Papa Tom!

Getting closer, one trash barrel at a time.

Dirt for the backyard garden

Beautiful, beautiful dirt!

Papa Tom hoisted the cable line so the dump truck could fit underneath it

Big project ahead!  Moving a giant pile of dirt from the driveway to the backyard!

Time for the morning bowl of milk

Chase won't let us forget when it's milk time.

Building a backyard garden

Now that our backyard neighbor's hackberry tree is gone, we have enough sunshine for a backyard vegetable garden.  Tomato plants from the greenhouse await their new home.

The greenhouse tomato plants are already producing.

February in the 'hood

A flamboyance of flamingos in a red bud tree (I think), blooming due to an unusually warm February.  Can Spring be far behind?

Flamingos waiting to roost.  Never mind migrating!  Just travel by Amazon!