Sunday, August 27, 2017

Hurricane Harvey (starting Friday, August 25, 2017)

Hurricane Harvey's first rain fell on Austin at about the time I was picking Fox up from school.  There was no lightning; playing on the playground was okay.  We were both soaked!

Chase spent Friday and Saturday nights in the sun room.  During the day, he stayed high and dry on the front porch when he wasn't scampering around inside.

Wet, wet, wet!  Harvey could dump a total of about 20" of rain on Austin, particularly east of I-35.

The sunflowers didn't survive the approximately 40 mph wind gusts.

Einar's hunkered down.  I've opened the windows to enjoy the fresh, cool air.  In the low 70s on Sunday, August 27.  So unlike August in Austin!

Do you see Mater?

Mater the tomato caterpillar chewed through a tomato plant during the night.  He's hard to spot!

Here he is, removed from the plant and on his way to the butterfly habitat.  We'll release him far from our garden once he turns into a moth.

Jim turns 5 (August 24, 2017)

Papa Tom helps Jim take out the bad guys at Chuck E. Cheese.  We went to Jim's pre-party.  His full party won't be until September 10.

Papa Tom with Lucy, and Kirk in the background

Eclipse! (August 21, 2017)

Otis in Portland for a total eclipse.  The Asheville Lewises drove to Franklin, North Carolina, near Asheville, for a view of the total eclipse.  Thanks for the photo, LaWanda!

Chase checks out the moon shadows on our front sidewalk.

Eclipse shadows through the leaves on our front sidewalk.  Austin only had about a 65% eclipse this time.  But we'll have a total eclipse on April 8, 2024.

New Seasons near our Homeaway rental in Portland offered eclipse-related goodies ahead of the big event.

Emma's first day of her last year of high school: August 21, 2017

Emma is off bright and early, driving herself to Midway High School for the first day of her senior year.  Go class of '18!

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Until next time! (Friday, August 18, 2017)

Micah's off to work

Last hug--for now

Had to stop by the guys' old place at 1944 Southeast 112th Street

Dinner with Lee's cousins (Thursday, August 17, 2017)

Lee's cousins Donna and Janelle live in Portland.  I hadn't seen them for 40 years.  Micah visited with them at the Shindig in Minnesota in July.  Why are my guys their own photo bombers???

Really guys?

They're still taller than me.

Look at these cuties!  Kaichiro (Japanese exchange student staying with LaWanda and Otis), LaWanda, Otis, and Fox.

Mt. Tabor Playground in Portland (Thursday, August 17, 2017)

Papa Tom pushed the kids round and round on the merry-go-round.

Hydrangeas along the road into the park

Otis and Fox

Amon hiked for an hour while Papa Tom and I stayed with the kids.

A fort, pancakes, and Toys R Us (Thursday, August 17, 2017)

Fox and Amon watched cartoons while waiting for Otis to wake up.

Otis and Fox played games on the iPad.

Amon treated us to banana/blueberry and blueberry/bacon pancakes.

Toys R Us time

Fox demonstrating the pom-poms that she's "wanted for years."

Dinner on the back deck (Wednesday, August 16, 2017)

Amon, Otis, Micah, Fox, Kaichiro (Japanese exchange student staying with LaWanda and Otis), LaWanda, and Papa Tom.  The Victorian house is completely surrounded by a hotel and condos/apartments.  I told Papa Tom that this is what our neighborhood will look like if the Austin City Council institutes CodeNext.

Micah, Otis, LaWanda, and Fox

Time to go (Wednesday, August 16, 2017)

What goes up, must come down

Watching for the lift

On board

Up, up and away

We could have walked the trail up and down the mountain . . . .

Snowball fight! (Wednesday, August 16, 2017)

So you see the snowball headed right for Otis?

Pay back!

Sort of.

Otis escaped just in time.

Fox has a stealth snowball.

How many feet of snow will cover this very spot in just a few months?

Mt. Hood: Wednesday, August 16, 2017

On the Magic Mile lift.  Couldn't have asked for a sunnier day!

Is that an angel or a devil on my shoulder?

Otis and Papa Momo: view looking away from the Mt. Hood's peak

Clowning around

Somebody likes being in the snow

Sunny and warm enough that gloves (and boots?) could come off

Good morning, Portland! (Wednesday, August 16, 2017)

Micah spent each night with us and left for work around 6:30 a.m. daily.

Because my arms are too short for a regular selfie.  Loved sitting on the sunny deck early in the morning.