Sunday, November 26, 2017

Visiting with the Horns (Saturday, November 25, 2017)

Lunch at Mandola's on a beautiful, sunny afternoon

Sweet Joyce!

Thanksgiving with the Howells (November 23, 2017)

Sarah, Lucy, and me

Beautiful view from Martha and Craig's dining room window (November 22, 2017)

Pelicans splash and geese sun on the shore outside Martha and Craig's house. 

Early Thanksgiving in Shreveport (Tuesday, November 21, 2017)

Thanks for the selfie, Colton.

The Sistas

"TO OPEN BAG: Insert one finger from each hand in holes.  With even force, pull one hole to the right and the other hole to the left until bag starts opening."  Just like the unwritten instruction after using a dryer in a public restroom after washing hands is "Wipe hands on pants," the unwritten instruction here is "Cut bag open with knife."

Dad carves the turkey while Tom mashes potatoes.

Destry, Colton, and Kealy

Thanks, Charles, for doing most of the dishes after lunch

After school on the Brentwood Elementary playground (November 7, 2017)

Fox and friends Knox and Penelope turned me into an autumn tree.

Lots of leaves!

Fox's hair creation for me

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Emma's mini-me (November 3, 2017)

Fox has wanted a hair style like Emma's for a long time.

Almost there


Happy Halloween from Portland (October 31, 2017)

What's Deadpool doing at LaWanda and Otis's house?

Soon to be unmasked

Almost there

Our hero!

Happy Halloween from Austin!

The Corpse Bride and the Joker

Fox carved this jack-o-lantern with help from Anjanette, who did the eyes.

Jack-o-lantern and skull lights

Treats for Mario

Rainy and chilly night!  We shut down early to watch the Astros in the World Series.

Zilker Botanical Gardens (October 30, 2017)

Met former co-worker Sarah Ramos for a walk through the Zilker Botanical Gardens.  Sarah, who retired a year ago, is finishing up the theology degree she started while still an Administrative Law Judge  Very centered and positive person to spend a morning with!

Must plant some of these at our house to attract more butterflies.

Don't know what these are but love the color.  Will show the photo to someone at a local nursery to find out.