Sunday, April 22, 2018

A birthday poem for Piper (April 22, 2018: Earth Day)

Poet Violet Vela was at Natural Grocers as part of the Earth Day celebration. I couldn't resist requesting a poem for soon-to-be 5-year-old Piper.

Here you go, Piper.  I'll send the original to you with your birthday card.  Love you!

Au revoir, pinata limb (April 18, 2018)

Time to make the elm trees smile again.  Removed some way up high branches that were blocking sunlight to the back garden. The limbs were as big as small trees!  Do you see the guy on the end of the branch up above?
Will have to hang Fox's birthday pinata from a different limb next year.  Love the sawdust in the sunlight.

Sparkly new tub (April 16, 2018)

Okay, is it weird to be so excited about a sparkling new bathtub?  The finish on our cast iron tub was scratched, and rust stains were starting to cover the bottom.  Here's how it looks after a new coat of ...porcelain?  Not sure what the guys coated it with, but it looks great.  No abrasive cleansers allowed.

Reunion with State Office of Administrative Hearings alumni (April 16, 2018)

The SOAH (aka Source of All Happiness) administrative law judges who have retired or otherwise left the agency get together for lunch occasionally. We had a serious mission at the April luncheon: signing a letter to our state senator, opposing reappointment by the Governor of the current Chief Administrative Law Judge (head of the agency).  She has not complied with the law regarding her duties; we're very concerned about how she's systematically dismantling what was a sterling state agency.  Sigh.  I don't usually get involved in politics, but it's important for the people of Texas to have an impartial forum in which to contest proposed penalties/fines by state agencies that oversee their occupations.  (e.g. medical doctors are subject to discipline by the Texas Medical Board.  If they disagree with the proposed discipline, they can bring their case to SOAH).  We'll see.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Clean, clean, clean! (April 13, 2018)

Bath time after the skate party.

Daisy Scouts skate party (Friday the 13th)

Fox discovered doing the splits is easier with wheels.

Sorry about the blurriness.  I sooo need a phone with a better camera.  Last major skating outing was with Emma, in Waco, maybe 5 years ago? Took a few rounds to get the balance back.

Icelandic poppies

So enjoying the Icelandic poppies.  Next year, I'll plant red poppies too.  As you can see, the zinnias are up; they'll bloom after the poppies are gone.  The poppies should grow back next Spring.

Wild onion harvest (Monday, April 9, 2017)

Papa Tom and Fox harvested wild onions from the yard.  So spicy on our salads!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Suzan's annual plant exchange (April 7, 2018)

Suzan, our neighbor and hostess with the mostest, is an example of Life imitating art here.  Her husband Steve sculpted the puckering stone face.

Everyone takes three plants/gardening items to the party and goes home with three different plants.  We draw numbers and go around the circle in numerical order, choosing one plant per round until all the plants are gone.  I contributed an African violet that isn't blooming in our south-facing kitchen window, in hopes that someone else can get it to bloom; a catnip plant (because Einar is not among the 2/3 of cats that have the catnip crazy gene and someone else might have such a cat); and sunflower seeds (the flowers attract the wild Monk parrots some years).  I brought home a cutting from a banana tree that actually produces this far north; red impatiens; and a chrysanthemum.

Plant-head dolls were a favorite at the party.

This ceramic guy is the party mascot. He goes home with somebody different every year. He lived on our kitchen island the year I had him.

Happy 59 Cheryl! (April 5, 2018)

Happy 59 to my friend Cheryl.  We celebrated on Craft Pride microbrewery patio with pizza from the Via 313 food truck and live music from Doug  Strahan.

An abundance of cupcakes! Turns out Tom went to Upper Crust for cupcakes at about the same time I was at HEB for cupcakes.  Our text messages crossed in the checkout lines.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Lizard (March 31, 2018)

Hi Lizzie Lizard!  We're so happy you are living on our deck.  Watch out for Einar!

Garden almost covered (March 31, 2018)

We used a greenhouse frame to support our anti-bird/squirrel netting.

Papa Tom attaches netting to the frame.  The tomatoes are blooming; strawberries are in the clay pots.  The actual greenhouse is empty: with the door closed, the temperature was 110 degrees in there the other day.  We only use it to keep plants alive during the winter.

Bubble bath (Friday, March 30, 2018)

A couple of squirts of shampoo, hot water, and an air bubble massage tub = lots and lots of bubbles!

Time to release the butterflies (Monday, March 26, 2018)

The Painted Lady butterflies emerged from their cocoons on Monday, March 26, 2018.  After waiting 2 or 3 hours for their wings to dry, they were ready for nectar or sliced fruit, drinking with their long proboscises.  Then, time to go free.

Four of the five butterflies flew away as soon as Fox opened their habitat.  But one Painted Lady landed on Fox's arm before taking flight.

Releasing the ladybugs (Monday, March 26, 2018)

We watched our Pink Spotted ladybugs (scientific name is Coleomegilla maculata) grow from larva, to pupa, to adults in their very own Ladybug Land.  They liked water-soaked raisins, cut in half, to eat when they first emerged from the pupa.  Probably not something they find in Nature!  They were ready for the great outdoors about 2 weeks after their arrival at our house.  

One of the released ladybugs crawled onto Fox's thumb.  Ladybugs are found on every continent except Antarctica.