Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Girl Scout Fox (January 27, 2019)

My friend Cheryl and her daughters ordered nine boxes of cookies from Fox.  Fox, Anjanette, Lala, and Papa Jay delivered the cookies to me (and later I did to Cheryl) on Sunday, on their way to take Fox to Amon.

Fox included a thank you note for Cheryl.  She loves to sign her name in cursive writing.

Anjanette and Fox

Zephyr and Einar (January 26-27, 2019)

Zephyr's idea of hiding under the bed from me when I'm calling for her.  Love the rings on her tail.

I left the back door open and confirmed-feral-cat Einar sneaked in for a bite. He puffed up when he heard the camera click.

Happy 91, Dad! (January 26, 2019 celebration for January 30, 2019 birthday)

We celebrated Dad's 91st with an assortment of three kinds of king cake from New Orleans. (Thanks for the great photos, Donna!)

No need to find the baby in this one.  

Martha, Craig, Martin, Tom, Donna, Dad and Charles.  Emma was in New Orleans with the Centenary choir.  Next year, Emma!

Martha, me, Martin, Tom, Donna, Charles, and Dad

Hybrid experience (January 25-26, 2019)

We rented a hybrid vehicle, a Ford Fusion, for the first time for our most recent trip to Shreveport.  I found the owner's manual to contain some fascinating information, including the above regarding how the car learns your frequent destinations.  As  my eyes were glazing over, all I could think was "Hop on one foot in a circle and use the opposite hand to toss three magic beans over your left shoulder while chanting 'frequent destination' backwards (noitanitsed tneuqerf) 10 times."

Jury duty (January 14, 2019)

I was summoned for jury duty for the first time in my life last Fall.  Managed to get a continuance because the appearance date conflicted with the Portland trip in December.  But the government will have its due.  I was one of 30 prospective jurors who appeared as required on January 14.  Six of us would be chosen for the drunk driving case. We were assigned randomly-selected numbers, mine being "17."  I learned two things: (1) Being assigned the number 10 or below increases one's chance of being selected; and (2) during the 3-hour process of being questioned and waiting around, you're not allowed to leave to feed the meter.  However, you can submit a resulting parking ticket to the bailiff for "fixing." I wasn't chosen and was kind of sad.  Would have been interesting to serve on a jury.

Learning about book signings (January 10, 2019)

Turk Pipkin is an Austinite and author.  His "Grace and the Moon," in both English and Swahili, is the story of little girls in the USA and Kenya musing about the moon.  Proceeds from the book sales go to funding humanitarian projects through Nobelity, an organization he and his wife founded in 2006.  You might have seen Turk on The Sopranos or seen his documentary film "Nobelity," in which a number of Nobel Prize winners are interviewed regarding how to solve world problems.  Tom and I attended the book signing at BookPeople, an independent bookstore, because I need to learn how to do a book signing for if/when my book is published.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Happy 32, Amon! (January 5, 2019)

Amon wanted no cake.  But crickets??? Each of us in turn--Papa Tom, Fox, and me--politely declined to partake.  They were crunchy like chips.  Ew!

Gifts for Amon.  What could they be?

The best present of all. Fox in a box!


Quick trip to Shreveport (January 2-4, 2019)

Rain, rain, rain all the way from Austin to Shreveport on Wednesday, January 2.  This flooded field is on the 314 just north of Brownsboro.  The 314 is my route from the 31 to I-20, through the artists' community of Edom.  So good to spend time with Dad, Charles, Martha, and Craig.  

Hola 2019!

We waited for Fox to get back from Pittsburgh and Amon to have a day off work before celebrating Christmas.

Thanks, Emma!  Fox loves her fox purse and fox sox ... er, socks.

Au revoir, 2018!

New Year's Eve day found us at the Howells for one last hurrah before Beka, Scott, and kids flew back to Seattle.  Here, Sadie, Fox, Lucy, and Jim play Twister.   
Watching the sun set on 2018 from the back deck. 

One last holiday hurrah with a drive down brightly lighted 37th and 36th streets. "Joy to the weird" indeed.