Thursday, November 24, 2022

So good to spend time with Martin (October 18, 2022)

On our way back from my high school reunion, we stopped at El Venado in Houston for lunch with Martin. Donna rode with us then flew back to NOLA. Martha and Craig drove down from Shreveport.
Tom and Donna.  OK, for future generations who might wonder what Donna is doing.  She's looking at her phone. Tom's is on the table in front of him.
Martin's roommate Sammy, an IT engineer from Pakistan; Craig and Martha, phones within reach.  We all keep our phones within reach because we might get a text or need to Google something. To future generations: Google is a verb version of the company name Google, the storehouse for almost all human-generated knowledge.
The Sistas pictured with that party animal, El Venado. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Ben Franklin combined reunion: Classes of '71 and '72 (October 16, 2022)

About half of our class of 111 made it to the 50th reunion, postponed a year due to COVID. We decided to have the next one in 3 years, not in 10 years, because. . . .
Joan (middle) is retired Navy and a Spanish teacher. Beryl (right) was in my car pool and is a retired CPA from Freeport-McMoRan. 
Martha is a college professor in Portland, Maine. I wish I'd known that when there in the fall of 2021!
Kent Courtney is a musician and Civil War reenactor.  
Left to right: me, Loretta Dunne (retired optometrist); Harvey Bressler (activist in San Francisco), Sue Pitcher (deep sea diver), Camille Romero (belongs to the NOLA divas, protecting the endangered pleasures).

Ben Franklin High School Class of '71, 51 years later....(October 15-16)

Ben Franklin's statue greeted us daily at the old school at 719 S. Carrollton. He graces the front hall of the new campus at LSUNO. We met students and toured the building before the Franklin v. Luscher football game.
After Franklin lost the football game (still not a powerhouse team), we stopped at Cafe du Monde in City Park for beignets and chicory cafe au lait. 
Our alma mater, formerly the Carrollton Courthouse built around 1850, is being converted into a senior citizen living center. We joke that we could be seniors once more, on the old campus!
I stared out this window in Papa C. J. McMurdo's English classroom many a day. We had no air conditioning so could hear the streetcars pass. When we studied McBeth, he typecast me as Lady McBeth. I thought he was wrong then and I still think so. I've been ambitious but not murderous--so far. Still, troubling to me that he thought that.
Hallowed halls. Plaster was removed, exposing brick. 
Trish and I have known each other for right at 60 years. She lives in Ft. Lauderdale and is also a retired attorney. We had to have po boys at Parkway Tavern.

Burgundy highlights (October 14, 2022)

I really liked how Donna's hairdresser's friend did my hair for Destry and Caroline's wedding. She said I could keep my birth color if it was broken up with highlights. She suggested blue but I asked for burgundy. I think she did a great job and wish she was in Austin!

Brandy for Beto! (October 13-17, 2022)

Brandy met friends in Austin to canvass for Beto for Governor. Brandy and Kari stayed at our house while we were in New Orleans for my 51st high school reunion.  Thanks for caring for the kitties and plants!  And for campaigning for Beto too.
Brandy and me on the porch swing.
Brandy and Papa Tom

Papa Tom was a Cub Scout too, Piper! (October 2022)

When we found out Piper is a Cub Scout, we had to send her photos from Papa Tom's Cub Scout days about 64 years ago. We still use the step stool he built. I use it to reach things in the upper cabinets.
Sometimes we use Papa's Cub Scout knife to pry open the bee hive. Notice the lion head on the knife. Yep, kids as young as 7 were wearing these knives on their belts back in the day.
Papa loves his knives, some inherited from my brother Charles and up for grabs if anyone wants one. The one on top, with the Razorback (Tom's Dad Clyde was from Atkins, Arkansas) is dated August 10, 1968, the day after Papa's 17th birthday.

Out with the old, in with the new? (end of September 2022)

We worked hard to re-do Tom's space so there's room for guests to use the sofa bed. 
We even found new homes (and sometimes a new space in our house) for most of the things taken out of Tom's room. But please don't open any closet doors--yet. We're getting there.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Wedding reception (September 17, 2022)

Erin and me
Martha, John, and Craig
Amon, Ramzi, and Siobhan
Second line
Second line
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson
The party continues!  Guests joined the newlyweds on the limo bus to Lucy's Retired Surfers Bar. Colton partied on. Donna, Tom, Amon, and me returned to her house. Then, at about 11 p.m., the Texans loaded up the minivan and I drove all night while Tom and Amon dozed off and on to get us home before 8 a.m. 

They're married! (September 17, 2022)

The bride
Mr. and Mrs. Patterson's first dance
Donna and Destry
Donna and Erin, BFF. Fireball whiskey toast courtesy of Erin's purse.
Donna and John, parents of the groom

More pre-wedding photos at Rosy's Jazz Hall (September 17, 2022)

Martha and Craig in the atrium, where the vows were exchanged
Best man Colton and Amon
Donna and her boys
Brothers and cousins: Ramzi, Colton, Destry, and Amon
Ramzi, Destry, and Siobhan

Pre-wedding photos (September 17, 2022)

Tom and me at Donna's, ready to go

Originally built in 1855, Rosy’s Jazz Hall is a building with many stories to tell—it has been a residence, a neighborhood bar, a grocery store, and in the late 1970’s, a legendary music clubAt that time, 17 year-old heiress Rosy Wilson bought and renovated the property and created the New Orleans jazz club bearing her name. For the next three years, Rosy’s was host to the top names in jazz and popular music, such as Dizzy Gillespie, Ella Fitzgerald, Count Basie, Stevie Wonder, and many more. The building sat empty through part of the 1990s until become an event venue in 1998.

Amon re-enacts his photo with Uncle Charles.
Destry's Dad John Patterson with Amon and Tom.
Craig, Destry, Tom, and Amon
Mom and Dad were there too. Before the wedding, Caroline gave Destry this pin to wear.

Pre-wedding prep at Donna's (September 17, 2022)

Donna's hairdresser, a second hairdresser, and a make-up artist met the sisters at Donna's house before the wedding. Alcohol-free champagne and charcuterie for the women while Tom and Craig headed out for Parkway po' boys and Amon took a long walk for gumbo.
The make-up artist and Martha consult. Do we want eyelash extensions? 
I love what Susan did with my hair. Apply a curling iron, a handful of bobby pins, lots of hairspray, and voila! a wedding up-do.
Marie begins work on Donna's hair.
All done!  Martha had already headed back to the hotel so 2/3 of the Sistas posed.