Sunday, December 11, 2022

Mya's Thanksgiving table

 I love, love, love Mya's art! To see more, follow her on Instagram at myasageart. She does some amazing drawings and works in clay. This year, Papa Tom, Amon, Fox, and I celebrated Thanksgiving with take-out Indian food from Saffron for the grown-ups and for Fox, mashed potatoes and roast.

Praying mantis (November 27, 2022)

So happy to be visited by a praying mantis. In some cultures, a praying mantis can be a sign of good luck or fortune. Native Americans believe the insect came before the creation of man and Earth. Paintings, inscriptions, revered symbols and carvings have the insect depicted as a symbol. The bugs represent wealth, success, large families and the cycle of life.

Waiting for Esther's Follies to start (November 26, 2022)

We all laughed so hard! Fox wants to go back and sit on the front row in hopes of being chosen by magician Ray Anderson to be part of the act. The very reason I WON'T sit on the front row.

Chomping raw jalapenos (November 26, 2022)


Fox and TC (November 22, 2022)

Fox and Tiny Chef aka TC aka BJ (per Papa Tom, for "Black Jack" as in the one-eyed Jack of Clubs/Spades, when TC's eye was shut due possibly to a swipe from Colette) He's a healthy 13-pound sweetie.

Texas Rollergirls Thanksgiving mashup (November 19, 2022)

Papa Tom, Fox, and I took in the Texas Rollergirls Thanksgiving mashup with a Dallas team.  Gotta love the turkey hats on the judges!
The Texas Rollergirls' logo adorns the blue jean vest. 
Chaos Constant grabs Backlash

The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jones (November 11, 2022)

Tamyra and Eric were married at their home in San Marcos on November 11, 2022.
LaWanda flew in for the wedding and was the official photographer. Tamyra is her cousin.
Papa Tom, LaWanda, and me
Tamyra and her Dad Lawrence
Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Jones!
LaWanda and a guest from Houston
Eric wearing Tamyra's coronet

Astros win the World Series! (November 5, 2022)

Papa Tom has been an Astros fan for decades. He and his Dad Clyde used to go to games at the Astrodome when Clyde and Evelyn lived in Houston. He brought out his vintage Astros cap to watch the victory parade. Aside: the 60-year-old abandoned Astrodome won't be torn down after all, due to its historic significance. The Astros played there until 1999. In 2005, Katrina "refugees" (my Dad objected to being called a "refugee") were housed there.

Picking persimmons at Cornerstone (November 5, 2022)

Papa Tom discovered several Texas persimmon trees loaded with fruit when we checked on the bees. Persimmons are sweet, like grapes, but loaded with seeds like you'd find in grapes.
We left tons on the trees. Bird food?

November kitty cats (November 2022)

Twins at the kitchen window
They always find a box to plop down into
Caught in the act! 
King of the greenhouse
Railing face off

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Happy Halloween! (October 31, 2022)

 Papa Tom and I love, love, love Mya's Halloween art. So many details!  I love that her shopping list includes Band-Aids for her knee.

Portland (October 26-31, 2022)

My favorite Lincoln Cardinal at the study desk in his room
Thursay night's ukulele group around the fire pit at Micah's house
On Friday, we picked up Micah's 1990 Ford F-150 from a dealership in nearby Lafayette, Oregon.
Lara (Freda Kruger) and Micah (Scare Bear) ready for Saturday's Halloween party.
Micah putting on his Texan for Sunday's Texas day at the Landmark Saloon. Are there special days for other states? Do we have Oregon days in Austin? Ah, the Texas mystique.
Re-enacting Otis's newborn photo
Micah cradling newborn Otis's head

Meanwhile, back at Alguno Road....(October 24, 2022 or so)

Sweet 100s cherry tomatoes are back with the cooler fall weather.
TC checks out Georgie, our semi-regular drop-in diner.
Beto for Governor campaign literature leftover in Max after Brandy and friends spent a weekend working for the candidate.  I returned the handouts to Beto's headquarters before the end of October. Gov. Abbott was ahead in the polls and was ultimately re-elected in November.