Sunday, September 26, 2010

Emma's KidzBop video

OK everyone.  I've tried and tried to figure out how to transport Emma's KidzBop video to the House of Light and Joy blog.  No luck so far.  Any ideas?

In the meantime, you can find our shining star by Googling "flareon24," Emma's KidzBop handle.  Enjoy!

Here's Zeta Beta!

Here's my beta fish, Zeta Beta.  He was preceded by Alpha Beta, Beta Beta, Gamma Beta, Delta Beta, and Epsilon.  I'm not sure which letter of the Greek alphabet comes next.  I hope to not find out any time soon!  Does anyone know how to write "zeta" in the Greek alphabet?  (ooh.  Poor Zeta!  I need to clean his fish bowl!)

Papa/P. Tom's new toys

Papa P. Tom has his very first cell phone ever!  As soon as we get it out of the package and up and running, we'll send you Papa P. Tom's personal cell phone number.  So exciting!

But wait.  There's more. Papa P. Tom also has acquired a fourth generation IPod Touch.  He will be able to photograph and video events from his very own handheld device.  He will be able to access the Internet in remote locations!  And use FaceTime, sort of like Skype.  And, of course, load and listen to music and read email....the list goes on and on.  We're viewing the IPod Touch as our foray into indie film making, even if we're only talking 30-second videos to start.  Stay tuned....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A River of Ivy

The ivy is taking over the deck!

P. Tom/Papa dusts the computer

Have you ever seen the inside of a computer?  This is the inside of ours, the very computer that magically sends our blog to your computer.  Even though the innards are shut tight inside a tower, they get dusty.  If you don't dust them off, the computer will shut down.  But you cannot wipe the parts with a dust cloth; you must spray the dust off with compressed air.  And it's very cold!

More photos from NYC

"This little piggy..."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Visiting Ryder, Brandy, and Mya in Manhattan

Papa Tom is now Papa Ratzi.  He caught Ellen at Fashion Week.
We so enjoyed visiting Ryder, Brandy, and Mya in Manhattan this past week.  We flew home on September 11th, a date for all of us to remember.  People like you and me, going to work, never to return from the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or the crashed airplanes. New York is a fantastically vibrant city.  I was inspired there by the thought of all the people who have done their best to be the best at whatever they do.  The architecture is stunning; Central Park and the mass transit system are examples of human accomplishment.  And the food!  Zabar's deli had chewy, crusty artisan bread, cheeses from around the world, and black and white cookies....well, I can't begin to tell you about how wonderful the cookies are.  I checked their website to see about sending you some, but shipping was $50!  So, Shanana/Mia will have to figure out the recipe for these cake-like cookies with black and white frosting.  P. Tom/Papa would like that idea.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ryders Ridge, Skylers Circle, Sharon Court

When Lee built the Saddlebrook Subdivision outside Round Rock, he named streets for Ryder, Skyler, and me.  Amon did not arrive for another three years, so did not get an Amon Avenue.  Would have been perfect!  Amon and I were in Round Rock last week so decided to stop by for photos.

Ryder's in town!

Ryder was here on business this past week and we got to spend time with him
for the first time since he and Brandy and Mya moved to Manhattan in May.  Amon and Anjanette came over too. As they say, a good time was had by all.

Locust shell

Here's Larry Locust....okay, choose your own name for him.  But it must begin with an "L."  Actually, this is only Larry's shell.  Larry somehow got out of the shell without breaking it and left it stuck to a post on our deck.  How do locusts do that?