Sunday, September 12, 2010

Visiting Ryder, Brandy, and Mya in Manhattan

Papa Tom is now Papa Ratzi.  He caught Ellen at Fashion Week.
We so enjoyed visiting Ryder, Brandy, and Mya in Manhattan this past week.  We flew home on September 11th, a date for all of us to remember.  People like you and me, going to work, never to return from the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or the crashed airplanes. New York is a fantastically vibrant city.  I was inspired there by the thought of all the people who have done their best to be the best at whatever they do.  The architecture is stunning; Central Park and the mass transit system are examples of human accomplishment.  And the food!  Zabar's deli had chewy, crusty artisan bread, cheeses from around the world, and black and white cookies....well, I can't begin to tell you about how wonderful the cookies are.  I checked their website to see about sending you some, but shipping was $50!  So, Shanana/Mia will have to figure out the recipe for these cake-like cookies with black and white frosting.  P. Tom/Papa would like that idea.

1 comment:

  1. We loved having you guys here! We really miss you. Mya said she was "sad" today. :( Please come visit us often! Can't wait to see you in December! By the way, you are so New York! So start saving up to buy that apartment in the Upper West Side now for when you retire! ;)


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