Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jade Fox Lewis is on her way!

We found out Thursday afternoon that little Jade is on her way. She currently weighs about 11 ounces and is the size of a mango. At the sonogram, we were able to see all her little fingers and toes. She waved at us several times. She's due to arrive in Austin around March 27. Can't wait to meet her!

A little history about jade: For 8,000 to 12,000 years, the Chinese have held jade to be the most precious stone. The Confucianist Hàn Dynasty scholar, Xu Shen (c.58 CE to c.147 CE) described jade as the fairest of stones, endowed with five virtues: "Charity is typified by its luster, bright yet warm; rectitude by its translucency, revealing the color and markings within; wisdom by the purity and penetrating quality of its note when the stone is struck; courage, in that it may be broken, but cannot be bent; equity, in that it has sharp angles, which yet injure none."

May our own Jade personify the virtues of her namesake.

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