Monday, December 13, 2010

Emma's Ornament

Emma kindly made us an ornament for our Christmas tree.  Or is a schefflera a plant?  Thank you, Emma!  Your ornament was the first to go up!

P.S.  Otis and Mya are looking from the wall, and Amon is looking from his 1994 ornament.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A different kind of evergreen

OK, I'm not exaggerating!  I spent about 2.5 hours untangling Christmas lights, one fraction of an inch and one light at a time!  The time flew though:  listened to the entire New Orleans Christmas CD, visited with Evelyn, talked long distance with Skyler, LaWanda, and almost Otis: he emphatically said "no!" when asked if he wanted to talk to Mia on the phone; something about playing with Bananas instead.  I don't blame him!  But watch out, Otis.  We're going to play and play when you come to visit!

Here's our schefflera, decked out for the holidays.  And maybe for all year!  I don't think I'll ever unwrap those lights!

Emma goes Cajun

We enjoyed Emma's performances Saturday as The Little Matchgirl who starved and froze to death  (Shanana cried and vowed to stuff Emma full of food at the cast party); a dancing fruitcake (so graceful!), and Sandy McGee, a reporter from the London Times, complete with English accent.

After the cast party, we hung out at Starbucks and Emma opened her gift from Mema and Pepa Hogan, "The Cajun Night Before Christmas."  Emma showed us that not only can she do an English accent, but she can also speak Cajun!  You geaux girl!

Mya helps Papa in the garden

Mya helps Papa tend the lettuce, all decked out in her Mardi Gras beads from the Princess room.  Ready to water the plants and feed the cats.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Emma and Mya meet for the first time

On Sunday, the Manhattan Lewises and the Waco Horns met each other for the first time, at Dos Salsas in Georgetown.  Emma brought Mya books about sisters and brothers and a bunny that looks a lot like Tina, Emma's favorite stuffed animal since she was 6 or 7. Mya christened her new bunny "TaTa." We needed quarters for the gumball machine that dispenses toys--are those called "gumball" machines too?--and Emma got a Yosemite quarter in her change, one she didn't have in her collection. She still needs an Arizona quarter, if anyone has one to send her way.

Emma and Mya check out the Big Sisters book

Emma reads to Mya

The cousins

Emma shows Mya the yo-yo ropes

Ryder joins in

Emma helps Tina do the hokey-pokey while TaTa watches

Come on, Mya!  Be in the picture!

Mya thinks about it

Family photo: yea!

Ryder, Brandy, and Mya visit us from the City

What fun we've had this week!  Ryder, Brandy, and Mya arrived on Thursday.  First stop: Chuy's, for real Tex Mex, with Amon, Anjanette, and Evelyn. No down-home Threadgill's cookin' in NYC either.  So we hit Threadgill's too.  Not in the same day, thank goodness!
Swingin' time at Capital Gymnastics:  sorry! can't help being a corny punster

Rocking out at Capital Gymnastics

Mia and Mya after a round with Blue Dog

River and Jade meet for the first time

Amon races Mya through the kitchen on Blue Dog

Brandy, Sarah, and Anjanette

Brandy and Ryder, relaxed and happy, no?

Mya decorated our kitchen tree with Papa Bear and turned to admire the flying elf

Papa and Mya catching the last rays at Brentwood Park

Our neighbor displays every inflatable Christmas decoration ever made, we're sure of it.  Here's Mya, mesmerized by the reindeer merry-go-round.

That healthy looking (uneaten) carrot is not real; it's decoration that Mya brought to the table. 
A minute earlier, and you would have seen chocolate cake and key lime pie on everyone's plates (eaten by now).