Sunday, December 5, 2010

Emma and Mya meet for the first time

On Sunday, the Manhattan Lewises and the Waco Horns met each other for the first time, at Dos Salsas in Georgetown.  Emma brought Mya books about sisters and brothers and a bunny that looks a lot like Tina, Emma's favorite stuffed animal since she was 6 or 7. Mya christened her new bunny "TaTa." We needed quarters for the gumball machine that dispenses toys--are those called "gumball" machines too?--and Emma got a Yosemite quarter in her change, one she didn't have in her collection. She still needs an Arizona quarter, if anyone has one to send her way.

Emma and Mya check out the Big Sisters book

Emma reads to Mya

The cousins

Emma shows Mya the yo-yo ropes

Ryder joins in

Emma helps Tina do the hokey-pokey while TaTa watches

Come on, Mya!  Be in the picture!

Mya thinks about it

Family photo: yea!

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