Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Heard AND Saw the Branch Fall

If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?  That is, does sound require a recipient?  I think the sound waves are generated regardless, for anyone to hear, so yes, the tree makes a sound.   Here's the branch that fell from one of the elms when I was watering the back yard the other day.  I heard the telltale crack,  but didn't have time to figure out from where, so flattened myself against the garage, under the eaves, just in time to watch the branch plummet to the ground.
Okay, this was Papa Tom posing with the saw and limb, at my request.  The photo below shows a much safer position for using an electric saw.

Probably the approved shop class stance for using a power saw on a fallen tree limb.  Any insight, Skyler?

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