Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Orleans/Nawlins/Crescent City/City That Care Forgot/Big Easy

We spent a few days in New Orleans with Donna, Destry, and Colton, and my high school classmates from 40 (!!!) years ago.  Here are Colton, Donna, and Tom at a table at the Rue la Course coffee shop.  Love the ambiance!

First thing Friday: po boys and red beans and rice with Colton and Donna

Streetcar barn.  I LOVE the streetcars.  They clanged past my high school all day long, back in the day.  Wooden seats, open windows, the sound of metal wheels on the tracks....

As of Friday, June 10, Destry is officially a UNO student. Here he is with girlfriend Camille before leaving for Arkansas with his Dad.

Papa Tom on the levee a half block from Donna's house.  Hikers and bikers use the path on top.

Louisiana river birds viewed from the levee

Okay, so it wasn't Mardi Gras. But it WAS New Orleans.  And this is New Orleans king cake served at one of my high school reunion events. Yum!

June 10th = 16th wedding anniversary.  We celebrated with giant platters of seafood at New Orleans Food and Spirits on Lake Ponchartrain and a roomful of my former high school classmates.

About one-third of our class of 111 made it back for the 40th reunion.  Here we are in front of our school, a former courthouse built in the 1800s.  The only difference: air conditioning has been added since we graduated!

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