Sunday, May 20, 2012

R.I.P. Penelope Possum

We're very sad to report that Penelope (affectionately known as "Penny") Possum is no longer with us.  She expired  last week on the brick planter out front, behind the pot of caladiums.  We will miss watching her, silhouetted against the moonlit sky, or perhaps the sky lit by the Honda dealership a block away, balancing along the top of the back fence, headed for the compost heap.  We can only hope that she left some progeny to continue her legacy.

1 comment:

  1. The world gave a sweet life to her in that neighborhood, I'm sure she enjoyed it. Goodbye Penny, you will live on in our hearts and minds!

    P.S. It's amazing to see how positive it is to have a compost pile. Not only are we doing a good thing for the earth, but we develop this wonderful relationship with nature and little critters like Penny. Amon and I had a opossum friend we called Rustle who visited our compost pile quite a lot, until we lost him due to his ambition to cross Faro.... Poor fellow didn't even make it halfway.... But it was good to know him too, and I look forward to having another pile and attracting more furry friends!


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