Friday, September 28, 2012

The elms get a haircut

On September 15, P. Tom was still asleep when the tree trimmers arrived and  cranked up their chainsaws right outside our bedroom window.  He said before he totally woke up, he thought I was really blending that smoothie in the kitchen!

Papa Tom helped load limbs.  See the dark brown circle inside the limb?  That's dead wood.  Our trees are about 65 years old and it's become more difficult for them to get water from their roots to the tops of the trees.  Hence, dying limbs.

I'm so glad Mario and his crew came over to do this job.  Papa Tom had the idea a few years back of  taking his chainsaw up into the elms and securing himself with Bungee cords while he trimmed the trees.  He never did that, thank goodness!

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