Sunday, November 4, 2012

Halloween 2012 on Sixth Street

Around 8:30 p.m., when it seemed most of the trick-or-treaters had headed home, we headed to Sixth Street to see what we could see.

Some characters were from movies or video games (do they still call them "video" games?) that I haven't seen, apparently, but a lot of people in the crowd seemed to know who the characters were.

I did recognize Puss in Boots, from the fairy tale about the cat who didn't think he could accomplish anything until he was given a pair of magic boots.  Then, after he was successful, he found out the boots weren't magic at all; it was his belief in himself that brought his success.  A similar tale:  Dumbo being given the magic feather from the crows.  A similar tale without the magic:  the little engine that could.  The moral of all these stories:  believe in yourself and keep trying!

I definitely didn't recognize these guys.

The witch, the poisoned apple, and Snow White.

Mayan or Aztec king?

OK, this is driving me crazy.  I know I've seen the character with the golden antelope horns in a film but I simply can't place him/her.  Any help?

1 comment:

  1. The character with the golden horns is Loki as seen in Thor and the Avengers movie. :)


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