Saturday, April 13, 2013

Annual neighborhood plant exchange: April 6, 2013

Our across-the-street neighbor Suzan hosts a neighborhood plant exchange every Spring.   We all have greener yards with more interesting plants, thanks to Suzan.  Thanks, Suzan!

All the plants to be exchanged huddle in the center of the deck.  We all describe what we've brought, then draw numbers and choose plants or birdhouses or baskets or whatever until they are gone.

This year, I came home with Squirrel-crow (hoping to use him on the back deck to discourage Scout from burying pecans in the flower pots); some spearmint (will be looking at mint ice cream recipes, Emma!); and a pretty orange pot with a possibly dead amaryllis in it.  But I'm going to take care of the amaryllis bulb anyway, just in case.  Those are fragrant freesia from our back yard behind Squirrel-crow.

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