Sunday, October 13, 2013

Visiting Ryder, Brandy, Mya, River, and Piper: October 9, 2013

We flew from Austin to Atlanta on Wednesday, October 9, and drove the 200 miles to Asheville from there.  Believe it or not, the total travel time was less than if we'd flown into Greenville/Spartanburg (about 50 miles from Asheville) because the G/S destination would have required changing planes and a layover.  Still, we had no idea how huge the Atlanta airport is.  There are 7 or 8 separate terminals.  We walked for more than a mile, dutifully following the "domestic baggage claim" signs, before we realized we needed to board the "plane train" or we'd never get there.  Apparently everyone else on our flight knew about the "plane train;"  our two suitcases were the only ones taking a lonely ride around the baggage belt.  Then, on to a "sky train" for a long ride to the rental car lot.  Long story short:  we landed at about 1:50 p.m. but weren't in our rental car leaving the airport until about 3:15 p.m.  We arrived in Asheville around 7 p.m., in time for dinner and story time before the kids went to bed.  We promised to walk Mya to school the next day so couldn't stay up terribly late ourselves!

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