Tuesday, November 12, 2013

B-r-r-r! Prepping for our first freeze: November 12, 2013

The deck and porch plants are tucked safely away in the sun room for the night.

Porch and deck plants under the snowflake lights in the sun room.

Baba, who's about 17 years old, won't come inside, so we set her up with a heating pad and banana box windbreak next to the front door.  This of course means we have to get up every couple of hours to turn the heating pad back on since it goes off automatically.  That's okay.  We love Baba!

We would also have a photo of Millie in her box in the sun room but when Papa Tom called her name to take her photo she leaped out of her box and wouldn't get back inside.  Meanwhile, Lucy Fur and Einar have disappeared, probably under the house.

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