Sunday, December 8, 2013

We're in Austin, Texas!

Ended the Thanksgiving holidays on Saturday, November 30, 2013, visiting with Al, Joyce, and Emma in . . . can you guess where?  We met for lunch at Joyce's favorite Mexican restaurant, El Patio, then headed to Starbucks so Emma could have internet access for her science project:  a memory test in which Papa Tom and I were subjects!  We didn't get to finish the test because Emma's friend Lily was having her 13th birthday party in South Austin that afternoon and the Horns had to skedaddle.  Tom and I also had to run; we were going to meet Brandy's Mom Cheryl, her friend James, and Grandma Evelyn for dinner at Chuy's.  One can never have too much Mexican food in one day!

Emma's in her Longhorn burnt orange!

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