Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day thunderstorm: May 26, 2014

Papa Tom aka Obi-won Kenobe enjoyed the thunderstorm.

Papa Tom says he definitely looks Norwegian-German here.  Ja!

Obi-won Kenobe transformed.  Baba never misses an opportunity.

Season's first sunflowers and moonflowers: May 23, 2014

Can the monk parrots be far behind?

Waiting for moonlight

First moonflower.  The bees love these.  We want to do anything we can to help the diminishing bee population.

Mugging for the camera before heading to Midland and San Angelo: May 22, 2014

Jade spent Memorial Day weekend with Papa Jay and Lala on a trip to Midland and San Angelo to visit family.  She had to let us know how unhappy she was with Daddy Amon putting her hair in a ponytail.

Yep, she's got the look down pat!

Time for socks and shoes.  She likes to do the Velcro herself.

Good to go!

Bye-bye, Jade!  Have a good time!

Tomato pie at Kerbey Lane

I rarely take food pix but made an exception for the tomato pie at Kerbey Lane.  Comes around once a year, during tomato season.  Foretelling things to come:  tomato pie at our house when Papa Tom's tomatoes are ripe.  Pie crust filled with red, ripe tomatoes, basil, black olives, feta cheese.  Might have to use goat cheese on a few, but not on Papa Tom's:  he doesn't like goat cheese.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Central Market playground: May 18, 2014

We spent about 3 hours on the Central Market playground.  Here, Fox is building a castle.  I love how shady the playground is.  Will be even more important as we edge into the summer months!

Bread upon the waters: May 18, 2014

While Amon was at work, Jade and I shopped at Central Market and got a bag of dinner rolls to share with ducks in Central Park.

Only two ducks showed up.  But an army of turtles bit!

This lone grackle awaited his turn and was rewarded with a bite of bread.

Sparkling Zoomer: May 18, 2014

The poor Zoomer hadn't been washed since November.  So many rainy, cold weekends since then.  Fox and I took advantage of a warm, sunny Sunday to shine up the Zoomer on the outside.  Amon set up the Kirby for me so we could vacuum the inside.

Drying the Zoomer

Planning for Montreal trip

We'll be going to Montreal June 3-7.  My friend Cheryl has loaned us her French phrase book.  We need to get non-resident car insurance card from our State Farm agent to use with the rental car and exchange American dollars for Canadian ones before the trip.  Our first international trip since Beka's rehearsal dinner across the border from Mercedes back in February 2010.  Good to already have valid passports.

Otis with Lizard Man and an anaconda: May 2014

Lizard Man visited Otis's school and showed the kids an anaconda, among other reptiles.  Otis is now very conversant about chameleons, komodo dragons, and anacondas.

Super Fox: May 2014

Super Fox, with Holly Hobby and her Twinkle Toe shoes.  Bad guys watch out!

Summer garden, sans squirrels, so far: Saturday, May 17, 2014

Papa Tom amidst the sunflowers, soon to bloom and attract the monk parrots

Papa Tom's frame for draping anti-squirrel netting over the garden

Green tomatoes: looking forward to June!

Baby basil plants.  Will be so tasty later with homegrown tomatoes!

Do you see the white bell pepper blossom?

Peaches are ripening.  Unfortunately Papa Tom has already seen a squirrel scamper across the street and up the neighbor's tree with, yes, a peach in its mouth!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day! (May 11, 2014)

Mmm!  Roasted peanut ice cream for dessert at Sap's Thai Cuisine.  Thanks, Amon, for Mother's Day lunch.  I needed an encore of fresh spring rolls after having Sharon's on Saturday night. 

Jade made Anjanette a ceramic bowl and ceramic kitty cat for Mother's Day.

Barbecue and swimming at Sharon and Jimmy's: May 10, 2014

Jade's taking a pool preview by dipping her tootsies in the water

In the water for real with Daddy.  Thanks, Sharon and Jimmy, for heating the pool!

Sharon and Jimmy's cat Finn soaking up the party without getting wet

Sharon, Connie, and I were co-workers at the Williamson County Sun when Amon was born.  Sharon and Connie held him when he was just a couple of hours old.

Sharon and Connie with Jade, the next generation, and a rain stick

Sharon made fresh spring rolls, using mint, lettuce, and cucumbers from her garden.  Jimmy barbecued.  Delish, you two.  Thanks so much!

Splash time with Connie, Tom, Amon, Jade, and Sharon

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014: Kite flying at Zilker Park

Emma brought her dragon kite to Austin with her for all of us to fly.  So beautiful!

Amon, flying the kite

Climbing on the rocks at the soccer field. 

Amon guiding Jade down the rocks

Emma found the perfect spot to perch and listen to drummers in the grass below

Emma, Jade, and Amon on the rocks

We all met Al and Joyce for lunch at Chuy's

Waiting for Esther's Follies to begin: May 3, 2014

We sat in the middle of the second row for the Esther's Follies show.  Safe seats!  You never want to sit on an aisle seat near the front:  you might end up in the show!

Pecan Street Festival: May 3, 2014

Emma, P. Tom, and I spent Saturday afternoon at the Pecan Street Festival on what is now Sixth Street.  Used to be Pecan Street though.

View from the rooftop of Maggie Mae's

P. Tom and Emma at The Nook, where we stopped to sit in the shade and listen to Tim Avery play blues

Ham and cheese crepe for dinner.  Mmm!

P. Tom had grilled corn on the cob for dinner instead.

A photographer on the roof of Maggie Mae's, briefly, before he was told to "Get down!  Now!"

Tim Avery on blues guitar