Sunday, July 20, 2014

Barton Creek greenbelt: Saturday, July 20, 2014

Papa Tom and I took a hike in the Barton Creek greenbelt on Saturday. Papa's breaking in his new shoes for our upcoming trip to Colorado.

Wading across Barton Creek to get to the rest of the trail.

Got my Anna (from "Frozen") braids.  We didn't swim in the creek; a lot of other people sat in the waterfall and swam.

Some people cannonballed from the trail into the creek.

Papa Tom's "gate," a marker on the trail.

Can you spot Papa Tom under the arch?

The trail is very green after all our summer rain.  Thanks, El Nino!

A moth rests on a . . . I'm not sure what!  Very pretty though.

Walking back to the Zoomer, we spotted the epitome of an Austin tree hugger's house.  They saved the tree by building the porch around it.

Back home: one of our beautiful passion flowers.

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