Saturday, December 20, 2014

December 20, 2014: Community Clinical Research Inc. Christmas party

Every Christmas, Dr. and Mrs. Brown host a party for everyone who works at CCRI.  Tom's worked there since it opened, and worked with Dr. Brown for several years before CCRI opened.

Ah! Warmth!

A man with a pan: December 20, 2014

We love cooking in the cast iron skillet.  Amon got a larger one for himself.  Arrived from Amazon today.
Do you know the anagram "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama"?

At Santa's House, Trail of Lights, Austin, Texas: December 18, 2014

Papa Jay, Papa Tom, Mrs. Claus, Jade, Santa, Lala, and me

Santa and Mrs. Claus and Jade: Trail of Lights: December 18, 2014

Jade put in a good word for Papa Jay, Papa Tom, Lala, and me

Merry Christmas!

Along the Trail of Lights: December 18, 2014

Light tunnel with bats

Was chilly enough for jacket, gloves, and hat
Papa Jay gives Jade a lift
Santa arrived in Austin by Rudolph the Red-Nosed Jackalope
Heat from the Yule log felt good!

Jade and me: twice!


Trail of Lights: Thursday, December 18

Jay and Laura (Anjanette's parents), Tom, and I took Jade to the Trail of Lights.  She was tuckered out and ready for a siesta after dinner at Chuy's though!

The Zilker Park Christmas tree with ferris wheel behind it

Papa Tom under the Christmas tree

Under the Zilker Park Christmas tree.  Papa Tom and I spun under the lights, as is the tradition, and kissed and promised we'd dance again under the tree in 30 years.

Papa Jay, Jade, Lala, Papa Tom

In the tunnel of lights with Jade, Lala, and Papa Tom

Fay Wray to be?

Jade's very favorite stuffed animal since birth has been Gorilla.  She used to be so tiny next to him!  Now she can drag him around by the neck!

Demonstrated above:  the flat tongue.  Here, the rolled tongue, for which one must have a genetic propensity.  Ryder, Skyler, and Amon can all roll their tongues; I cannot.  Can you?

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Emma's Youth Chorus of Central Texas concert: December 14, 2014

Youth Chorus of Central Texas: Emma sang a solo from the "Frozen" medley

Elissa and Emma after the concert

Twins!  Joyce and me

Oops! Out of order: December 9, 2014


Piper and Brandy

Mya and Amon and Papa Tom's stash of pecans

Piper with her baby and Mr. Potato Head's glasses.  Brandy says Piper always puts them on.

Piper and Ryder at Central Market.  That girl has amazing upper body strength!

Mya discovered the solar music box that I gave to my Dad around 35 years ago.  Still plays "San Antonio Rose."

River and Mya in the bunk bed

Two out of three brothers

12-13-14 (great date! last time for sequential numbers until next century?)

At Austin Bergstrom Airport with Mya, River, Papa Bear, and the Kindlefire.  The kids entertained themselves with Talking Angela, who mimics what you say, while getting ready to fly back to Asheville.

Piper, taking it easy

Bye-bye, Asheville Lewises!  We miss you already!  Hurry back!

December 12, 2014: Amy's Ice Cream for dinner

The Cool Haus ice cream truck could not be found in East Austin.  Onward to Amy's ice cream, near our house.

Cowboy River

Cowpokes Jade and River

December 12, 2014: light rail to East Austin

Happy riders with their tickets.  River's is in his back pocket.

Checking out the train going the other direction

Yes, the Eastside is changing:  high rise condos, hipster restaurants, food trucks

Ryder, Brandy, and Piper on the train

December 12, 2014: sword fights!

Amon brought out the Nerf swords after lunch

December 12, 2014: can't leave Austin without lunch at Chuy's (although there's one in Greenville, NC too!)

We picked up take-out at Chuy's to eat at home while Piper napped

Gorgeous day to have lunch outside

December 12, 2014: Mt. Playmore

Piper slides down the toddler roller coaster track at Mt. Playmore

Ryder and River played air hockey:  River won!

Jade counts up her tickets

River and Mya, cashing in their tickets

More December 11

Mesmerized by Barbie Dreamhouse videos on YouTube

Anjanette came over to hang out and play soccer

Uncle Amon, River, and Mya kick the ball around

Fox requested her Ninja Turtle mask (cut out from a pair of my old purple fishnet stockings)

River and Jade tossing around the Frisbee ring with Ryder and Amon