Sunday, December 7, 2014

Never mind Santa, the Asheville Lewises and Waco Horns have come to town!

December 7, 2014:  Emma, Amon, Joyce, Al, River (with Griswold on his shirt), Brandy, Mya, Piper, Ryder.  Loved being with everyone; wish everyone else could have been here too!

Early Christmas for River and Mya.  Thanks, Joyce, Emma, and Al!

Early Christmas present for Piper from Al, Joyce, and Emma.  Thanks you guys, for getting the holidays off to a merry start!

River went to town on Amon's punching toy.  Uh, knocked a hole in it . . . .

Cracking pecans.  Amon, Mya, and River gathered pecans.  The kids were intrigued with the pecan cracker.  Well, River doesn't look so intrigued in this particular photo, but I promise you, he was.

Budding guitarist, Mya.

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