Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saturday, March 28, 2015: One last visit with Mom and Dad, back to the Boardwalk

On Saturday, after everyone else left, we went back to the Boardwalk to enjoy the sunshine and catch the movie "Home."

Night night, sweet darlings!  The kids slept in my room Friday and Saturday night.

At the Boardwalk and hanging out at the hotel: March 27, 2015

Oh my gosh!  I actually got carded at Buffalo Wings!  Turns out everyone does, not just those of us who appear to be under 21. :-)

Mya on the Kindlefire, River on the phone, and Ryder, thumbs ready to play

Donna's foot next to Ryder's foot.  Okay, in all fairness, Ryder took off the shoe and his foot isn't quite that big.

Visiting Mom, Dad, and Charles: March 27, 2015

Mya and River picked flowers for Mom

River chilled with a game on Ryder's phone.  I think it either had to do with plants and zombies, or with motorcycles.

Camille, Colton, and Destry

Ryder, Donna, and Martin

Charles and Donna

River and Dad.  River was bashful.  Next time . . . .

Colton, Camille, Destry, and Charles's truck

The duck pond: Friday, March 27, 2015

Drove to Shreveport on March 26 to see Mom, Dad, Charles, and Martha.  Martin, Donna, Destry, Colton, and Destry's girlfriend Camille came in from Houston, New Orleans, and Ruston.  Ryder, Mya, and River flew into Dallas and drove over.  I think these geese have seen bread before!

Mya and River found duck eggs in a nest near the bayou.  They carefully put them back.

Duck nest

Mya met Jonathan and asked him if she could fish too.  He had an extra pole.  Within a half hour, Mya caught two fish.  As we were leaving, she pointed out that she had fun and Jonathan got dinner.  I told her that's what you call a "win-win situation."

Butterflies are free!

Four of the painted lady butterflies were ready to release from their habitat.  Jade lured this one out with a slice of orange.

Happy 4, Jade Fox Lewis! (Monday, March 23, 2015)

Jade and Anjanette ice the birthday cake


Lala (Laura) and Jade and birthday presents

Time to make a wish!

With Auntie Liz (Anjanette's sister)

With Daddy and Mommy

Stylin' fedora and butterfly glasses! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The caterpillars have migrated to the top of their habitat and cocooned.  See the silk threads around them?

The cocoons are now hanging inside the net habitat

Metamorphosis!  The first butterfly emerged on March 22, 2015, the second day of Spring.  I thought the caterpillars would become monarchs.  Instead, this is a Painted Lady.  Time to place an orange slice in the bottom of the habitat to feed Painted Lady. 

Papa Tom's garden

Papa Tom transplants bell pepper plants from their pots.  The plants thrived through the winter in the greenhouse.

Papa Tom's garden got a head start in the greenhouse.  Tomatoes and bell peppers on the way!

Almost Spring!

Carolina jasmine in bloom!

Peach trees in bloom

More Carolina jasmine

The two Sharons and Tom at SXSW: March 19, 2015

Papa Tom, Sharon Reed, and I caught Ryan Bingham at the Waterloo Records showcase on Thursday. 

Ryan's fiddle player was incredible!

After the performance, we headed to the Paramount Theater for the showing of "Sir Doug," the documentary about Doug Sahm.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Emma and Jade: March 12, 2015

Cousins in the kitchen

Mya is keeping the tooth fairy busy!

Mya lost another tooth this week!

Red boots

After decades in Texas, I decided it was time for a first pair of cowgirl boots, just because.  Red ones, of course.

The Puzzle Room: March 12, 2015

Emma, P. Tom, Emma's friends Hannah and Lilly, and I joined five other people locked in a room for an hour, following clues to hopefully lead to the key to our escape from the evil villain the Befuddler.  We made it to the last clue, but the clock ran out just minutes before we would have found the key.  Very challenging and fun!

Enchanted Rock and Fredericksburg: Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mid-50s and windy, but we were warm by the end of the climb and glad to be admitted to the park.  Only a certain number of hikers can be in the park at any given time.

Info about Enchanted Rock.  

Emma and P. Tom on the way to the top

P. Tom, digitally capturing the view

About halfway up. 

Emma named this the hippopotamus rock.

The indentations in the rock near the top, about the size of footprints, are said to have been made by ghosts.

I was surprised to find pools with vegetation and fairy shrimp in what is otherwise a solid granite rock.

Another pool near the top

Cacti and other vegetation are thriving on top of Enchanted Rock

View from the top.  See the road in the distance?

I have no explanation for this van.  I especially like the hubcaps.

After the  hike, we headed into Fredericksburg for German food

Apple strudel

Yes, I'm a "cold" weather wimp.  But look behind us!  See the other hoodies up?

Neat stepping stones on the way up and down

This looks like the liriope we have in our back yard

Reflecting pool at the summit

Emma, on top of the world!

View from the top

At the top of Enchanted Rock