Sunday, March 15, 2015

Enchanted Rock and Fredericksburg: Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mid-50s and windy, but we were warm by the end of the climb and glad to be admitted to the park.  Only a certain number of hikers can be in the park at any given time.

Info about Enchanted Rock.  

Emma and P. Tom on the way to the top

P. Tom, digitally capturing the view

About halfway up. 

Emma named this the hippopotamus rock.

The indentations in the rock near the top, about the size of footprints, are said to have been made by ghosts.

I was surprised to find pools with vegetation and fairy shrimp in what is otherwise a solid granite rock.

Another pool near the top

Cacti and other vegetation are thriving on top of Enchanted Rock

View from the top.  See the road in the distance?

I have no explanation for this van.  I especially like the hubcaps.

After the  hike, we headed into Fredericksburg for German food

Apple strudel

Yes, I'm a "cold" weather wimp.  But look behind us!  See the other hoodies up?

Neat stepping stones on the way up and down

This looks like the liriope we have in our back yard

Reflecting pool at the summit

Emma, on top of the world!

View from the top

At the top of Enchanted Rock

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