Sunday, July 26, 2015

Saturday, July 25, 2015: Corn Hill, Texas (just outside Walburg, Texas)

We drove out to Cornerstone on Saturday.  Decided to drop by the Holy Trinity Catholic Church on our way.  The back sides of the church steeples are visible from Cornerstone; the tops of the steeples are visible from I-35, located to the west.

Next to the church is the Moravian Hall, more than 100 years old.  Unbeknownst to us until we arrived, the annual barbecue cook-off was being held.  Lots of pickup trucks, campers, and barbecue pits on wheels.  Not to mention the enticing aroma of sizzling steaks and ribs!

The area was largely settled by Czechoslovakians.  Hence, the "Czexican" barbecue team logo.  I just hope they weren't barbecuing armadillo!

I'm not sure what we're not supposed to do, according to the sign (in Czech?) on the bulletin board inside the Moravian Hall.  Whatever it is, there appears to be a steep fine for it and possibly 10 years in jail?

A few of what appeared to be about 100 competing cookers scattered on the hillside.

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