Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 7, 2016: Evelyn's 98th birthday party

Fox plays on the KindleFire while we wait to pick up Evelyn's birthday cake from Upper Crust Bakery.

We had the party outside at Westminster, where there are tables, a walking path, and a putting green.

Fox took Jake and Lucy for a ride, while Jim ran to catch up.

Future golf pros?  Fox, Sadie, and Jim sinking balls.

Happy 39th birthday, Evelyn!  with hugs from Fox, Sadie, and Jim, while Jake (only his leg is showing) and Lucy look on.

Dinner was from El Mercado.  Sarah, Jim, Evelyn, Beka, Sadie, Fox, and Amon were at the table.  Tom was getting ice and Kirk was handing out meals.

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