Saturday, December 31, 2016

Girls night out, guys night in: Saturday, December 10, 2016

The guys kept the kids at the house while Sarah, Brandy, Mimi, and I had a girls night out: started at La Condesa in downtown Austin.

At the Lockout Room, we were captured by a drug cartel and forced to cook meth.  Didn't escape in the hour we had to figure out all the clues!  Bonus:  we got to see Otis's cousin Tamyra, who moved here from Portland a few years ago and works at the Lockout Room.

No 5-star Austin restaurant for the guys.  

Sausage on the grill.  

Ryder and Micah caught up with Austin friends while the girls were out.  I believe 3 out of 5 kids were put to bed early. Nick (worked with Ryder in Austin), Tom, Joseph (Ryder's best man), Seth (friends with Ryder and Micah since grade school), Micah, and Ryder

Seth and Micah wish they could have gone to girls night out.

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