Sunday, July 2, 2017

The end is near!

So many people are retiring that we've started having combined retirement parties.  Ours was on June 29, 2017. Susan left SOAH for good (on her Harley) right after the party.  Tommy leaves for Kathmandu before the end of July.  My last day will be July 31, a Monday.  I look forward to fighting Austin traffic that morning, knowing it will be my last Monday ever to drive into work.

Susan, Tommy, and me.  I HATE being the center of attention.  Was so anxious about what to say that I lay awake until 3:30 a.m.  that morning.  Now the party (hard part) is over.  Onward!

Co-workers gave me a copy of Daniel Boorstin's "The Creators," a history of creative people on the planet, and a journal filled with well wishes.

My other brain, Lisa Gomez.  She's the best proofreader ever and saved me so many times from sending out orders/decisions with dumb mistakes in them.  Thanks, Lisa!

SOAH alumni Cathy Parsley (our former Chief ALJ, now wedding coordinator for her church) and Sarah Ramos (currently earning her Ph.D. in theology) with Tommy and me.  I already feel like such a slacker!

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