Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Pingvellir National Park: November 29, 2017

The national park is where the Vikings established the world's first democratic parliament in 930 A.D.  The meetings were conducted outside in the Spring in this immense, fissured rift valley, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet.

Information regarding the annual meeting of the Icelandic Vikings.

The Vikings' Law Rock, where 1/3 of the law was recited annually, is at the site of the parliament.  What would be harder?  Reciting the law or listening to the recitation?

The Law Rock is behind me.  Hard to imagine gatherings here more than 1,000 years ago.  Learned that some of the Game of Thrones episodes were filmed in this valley.  Probably in the summer???

Looking across the valley.  See the people on the bridge?

Good idea to stay on the marked paths!

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