Sunday, February 11, 2018

Memories: journalist with The Williamson County Sun, 1986-1988

So fun to reconnect with Linda Scarborough, co-owner of The Williamson County Sun, and one of the most fun people I've ever worked for.  She calls Sharon Reed and me "the two Sharons."  Sharon Reed was the advertising manager there when I was a reporter.  I hadn't seen Linda since 1988.

Linda with husband Clark Thurmond, co-owner who also ran a sky diving school back in the '80s.  Clark told the current staff about me bouncing baby Amon on my lap as I typed news stories. I suspect I'm the only Sun reporter who's ever done that.  Thanks, Amon, for being an easy kid and for allowing me to get my work done!

The Sun office is located on the square in Georgetown.  The newsroom is still upstairs.  Linda took us up to meet the current staff and to brag about the two Sharons and what we've accomplished since leaving The Sun.  She's so sweet!  One of the current reporters worked for a competitor back in the day.  Was good to see Brad again. 

Not sure why the colorful mannequin waits outside The Sun.  To watch over the courthouse across the street?  On December 21, 1987, I walked across the street to the courthouse and became a divorcee. Walked back to work and asked the typesetter to change my byline from "Sharon Lewis" to "Sharon Hogan." He didn't even look up; simply removed and replaced type.   

The house on Pine Street where the boys and I lived before moving to Austin in 1988, after I became employed with the Texas State Comptroller's Public Information Office.  News reporting hours were simply too random to work with child care plans.  At the Comptroller's office, I met Mark Whitworth, who talked me into applying to law school, made me take the LSAT, made me turn in my application on the deadline day.  Thanks, Mark.  And thanks, Sarah, for driving me to the law school to turn everything in on deadline day.  And thanks to the kind woman who took my application and waived the application fee when I told her I didn't have it.  And thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Waters for the full scholarship created in memory of their attorney daughter Ellen Waters-Olson, who died in a car crash while in her 20s.  I'd love to thank family members but I know you'll be embarrassed if I mention you.  Still, I couldn't have graduated without all your love and support. I owe thanks to so many people.  The rest, as they say, is history.

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