Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Catching up with the nieces, grand-nephews, grand-nieces (June 28, 2018)

Sarah, Kirk, Beka, and kids came over for dinner June 28.  We brought in Torchy's Tacos and Tom made his incredible black beans and guacamole.  Here, left to right, Jim, Lucy, Jake, and Sadie helped Uncle Tom find the giant zucchini in our front garden.

Kirk shows off his Torchy's Taco.  They are the best: really!

The zucchini is safely picked!  Uncle Tom and I sat on the front steps with Miles, age 1 (on my lap); Lucy, age 2 (to turn 3 on July 1); Sadie (age 6); Jim (age 5) and Jake, Lucy's twin.

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