Sunday, October 21, 2018

Turning Angel (October 5, 2018)

On March 14, 1908 there was a HUGE explosion at the Natchez Drug Company, which was a 5 story brick structure located at the corner of Main and South Union Street cattycorner from the Natchez Cathedral. The explosion was so massive it totally destroyed the 5 story building killing numerous people including the businesses employees that were working at the time.
An angel monument at Natchez City Cemetery
The explosion put the drug company out of business, but the owner of the Natchez Drug Company was so devastated that he purchased a lot to bury his employees and he purchased this angel monument to place at their gravesite. His youngest employee was 12 years old.
This monument is now referred to as ‘The Turning Angel’ because at night when cars drive by on Cemetery Road their headlights shine upon the monument and to some it appears to turn as their car passes by.

In loving memory of the five women who died in the explosion

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