Monday, December 24, 2018

Lagniappe (December 10, 2018)

The upside of the Asheville Lewises not flying home on Sunday, December 9, due to a record snowstorm on the East Coast, was getting to spend time with LaWanda on Monday.  She'd had major school deadlines the week before and we didn't get to see her at the HomeAway.  Next year we'll check with everyone about potential conflicts before planning a family get together.

At Portland's famous Powell's Books: the largest independent new and used books store in the world.
Until recently, Austin had Leslie, a bearded cyclist in a bikini, who did his part to keep Austin weird.  To date, Portland has the Unipiper, a unicycling Darth Vader with flaming bagpipes. Maybe the Unipiper could be coaxed to spend winters in Austin? To help us stay weird?  Does part-time borrowed weirdness count?

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