Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Annual NOLA meet up (December 31, 2019)

We were supposed to join these folks in NOLA today but Tom is still recuperating from an upper respiratory infection so we stayed in Austin.  Next year, y'all! Left to right: Craig, girlfriend Mia, Craig, Martha, Donna, Caroline, Destry.

Zephyr the Christmas elf (Christmas Day)

"Meowy Christmas!"
Papa and Zephyr in their Christmas caps

Dad and Craig (Christmas Day)

Craig flew in to Shreveport for the holidays.  

Our last day with the Asheville Lewises (December 17, 2019)

While Ryder, Brandy, and Mya were at the Capitol, we had breakfast with River and Piper at the Brentwood Social House.

Puzzle time

Winner of 21 with a perfect hand

After the Impeach Trump rally, we had a few hours together before the Lewises had to fly back to Asheville. Bad dog is so scary!  He'll wake up and try to bite you if he senses you stealing one of his bones.

Impeach Trump rally at the Capitol (December 17, 2019)

Ryder, Brandy and the kids made posters to take to the Impeach Trump rally held at the Capitol on December 17.  Ryder rallies with Piper's poster.

After a visit full of 70 degree days, Tuesday was cold, too cold for me to be there.  But Mya borrowed my gloves, so they were there for me.

Monday shenanigans (December 16, 2019)

Playing Headbanz while Papa Bear and PJ watch
Ryder had to show the kids Barton Springs Pool, after telling them so many stories about swimming there.  They wished they'd brought their swimsuits.

Mya found loads of pecans to crack. And, yes, that's a swimmer behind her.  Brrr!

Mya took all the chips in Five Card Draw

Picking people up contest

Fox picked up Piper while Mya tried to pick up Momma

Two out of three brothers.  Next time, I'll photo all three together.
Piper on the tree house stairs

Piper and me in the treehouse

My daily noon talk with Dad

Sunday, December 29, 2019

One last day together (December 15, 2019)

Using the NBA 2K20 game, Otis created his avatar Otis Lewis, New Orleans Pelicans #0 (like Trailblazer Damian Lillard) 

Before Ramzi, Micah, and Otis flew back home, we had to take a group photo. Micah and I are in the mirror.

Papa was at work and Emma was at college, but we got me with five grands and Micah in the mirror
After Micah, Otis, and Ramzi left, we told scary stories in the tree house with Bob Dobbs' cardboard face.  The best part was at the very beginning, when a fat possum waddled down the tree past us. 

Time for Five Card Draw!

Hanging at the HomeAway (December 14, 2019)

Mya's air plant collection lined up on the railing

The "stand up with someone on your back" test

Each kid tried unsuccessfully to remove Micah's hand from his head

Amon, the moving hide-and-seek base, let his whereabouts be known via drumbeat

Hanging out at the House of Light and Joy (December 14, 2019)

Otis is the master of NBA 2K20.  He kindly stacks the Pelican team with superstars so the Pelicans can win most games.

"I see you."  Piper makes Skull Santa talk.

Because it's there.

Papa Tom on keyboard, Micah on ukulele, me on guitar.  Our set list:  "A Boy Named Sue," "Me and Bobby McGee," "Blowin' in the Wind."

Pinata time! (December 14, 2019)

What to do with 150 pieces of leftover Halloween candy? Fill a pinata!

Setting up.  Mya's ready with her candy bag.

As the youngest, Piper goes first.  No blindfold for this crew.

Uncle Micah and River.

Second pinata is a trash bag full of leaves.  Just as fun!

One of my headbands makes a perfect blindfold.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

After the kids are in bed (Friday, December 13, 2019)

After the kids were asleep, the grown-ups hung out in the downstairs den.  "Will the circle be unbroken...." on piano and ukulele, thanks to Papa Tom and Micah.

It had been a long, busy day.

So good to relax!

Papa and Micah

Urban Air and the Howells (Friday, December 13, 2019)

Otis's slam dunk

Ryder on the Ninja course

Go Mya!


Sarah, Jake, and Lucy joined us for dinner Friday night.  Otis stayed at our house to play his NBA2020 video game.  

HomeAway rules (Friday the 13th)

"Beware the $1,000 hot tub!" Piper warns.

So many warning signs around the house.  Understandable, I suppose, as the house is the owner's home when guests aren't there.

The lake is about two blocks away.