Monday, December 9, 2019

Welcome home! (December 7, 2019)

Upon our return from Shreveport, we discovered that Zephyr was not happy about being locked in the house for two days.  Her revenge?  Knocking over the napkin holder and shredding napkins.  Duly noted, Zephyr.  

And because we never seem to have a "normal" trip....We returned the rental car and dropped the keys in the night box on Saturday.  Only after we got home and Papa couldn't find his wallet did we go back to Hertz.  Yep, there in the front seat of the locked Kia was Papa's wallet.  We couldn't let it sit in plain view until Monday; this is a busy parking lot.  Hertz's emergency roadside assistance could have taken up to 2 hours to arrive, but our guy was there in 10 minutes.  Yea!  We were prepared with a pillow and blankets in the Zoomer to wait until about 3 a.m.  Instead, we got home around 1:30 a.m.

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