Sunday, January 19, 2020

Happy indoor plants, for now (January 19, 2020)

The croton will go back on the deck this Spring.  Tommy 2, in the blue pot, is named for the very hungry alien plant Audrey 2 in "Little Shop of Horrors."  A co-worker left Tommy 2 with me about 20 years ago, asking me to take care of the 1-foot tall yellowing plant until she could come back for it.  Even if we caught up now, I don't think Tommy 2 would fit out the front door and into her car.  We had to use a dolly and Tom's pickup to bring it home from my office when I retired in August 2017.

Back in 1984, when Tom bought the house, the real estate agent gave him the fiddle-leaf fig plant, probably about a foot tall at the time.  It loves living on the deck Spring through Fall.

These plants love living in the warm, misty bathroom during the winter.  Ryder gave us the smaller plant on the right at least 15 years ago.

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