Sunday, July 12, 2020

Honey extraction class (June 6, 2020)

Honey is extracted in June this year, due to a good "honey flow" (lots of wildflowers provided abundant nectar for the bees). Papa and I had no idea how to extract honey from our hive.  We took a class at Oakley Apiaries on June 6, well into the pandemic, yet were the only participants who wore masks and stayed 6 feet from other people (except here, where Papa is learning how to uncap the honey cells on the frame).  Must have been okay, because as I write this on July 12, we're well past the incubation period with no symptoms.  Whew!

After the frames are placed in the extractor, centrifugal force slings honey out of the cells.  A tap on the other side of the extractor is then opened so honey can flow into the honey bucket, through a strainer to catch pieces of wax and bee body parts.

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