Sunday, February 28, 2021

The St. Valentine's Day snowpocolypse begins! (February 14, 2021)

Because we're on pier and beam with exposed water pipes, a predicted low of 10 degrees means turning the water off at the street.  Dripping faucets won't be enough.  Tom was at work and I couldn't get the water meter handle to turn, even after applying WD40 and hitting it with a hammer.  Luckily Tom's boss let him come home to use his manly skills with tools to turn it off.  Thanks, Katrina!
Snow started falling on Sunday afternoon. 
The snow was blowing from the north, right on to our front porch and temperature gauge.  By the time Papa got home at midnight, the temperature had dropped to 18 degrees.
Remember the brothers barefoot in the snow challenge in Flagstaff?  Otis reenacts the moment.
The snow was thick by 1 a.m. February 15th. Otis is going Austin with flip flops in the snow.
Einar is in his insulated cat carrier with a heating pad.  The other extension cord goes to a space heater in the greenhouses.  Fingers crossed that the plants make it.

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