Sunday, June 20, 2021

Lobbying for restoring rights for Texas-born adult adoptees (May 25-26, 2021)

The House voted 141-1 for Texas-born adult adoptees to have unrestricted access to their original birth certificates.  We did a final push the last week in May to ask Senators to support the companion Senate bill.  The bill never made it out of committee and was dead when the session ended May 31. We'll be gearing up for the 2023 Legislative session and will try again.  Here I am in the empty Senate chamber.
Fellow STAR Board member Marla Smith lobbied with me.  There are only 31 Texas Senators.  One Senator  is totally against the bill and has been able for several sessions now to kill it in the Senate.  She's up for re-election in 2022.  I'll be supporting her opponent.  Governor Abbott says no more masks, but the Senate maintains social distancing.  If you present a COVID-19 vaccination card as you enter the Capitol, you don't have to wear a mask except in Senate offices that require it.
The sign is a COVID-19 remnant.
But the water is back on.  You know me.  I had to check.

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