Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Dungeons and Dragons (June 3, 2022)

Amon, Fox, and I have begun playing Dungeons and Dragons. Amon is the Game Master for Kitsune and me, Teruko Dandelion. Kitsune, Japanese for "Fox," is an elf. I am half-elf, half-human. I am descended from Akai Teruko, a real-life Japanese woman (1514-1594) who at age 70 commanded an army of 3,000. In contrast to her famous granddaughter, Kaihime, who was known as "The most beautiful woman in east Japan" (東国無双の美人), Teruko was known as ''The strongest woman in the Warring States Period'' (戦国時代最強の女丈夫). My elf name is "Dandelion," for the weed that spreads on the wind, cannot be easily killed, springs up from nowhere, and seems harmless. Cue the Rolling Stones "Dandelion."

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