Sunday, July 31, 2022

Amon and Fox came to town! (June 28-July 5, 2022)

Amon, Otis, and Fox tossing the football
BB gun practice
Amon and Micah at the fire pit.  Because, once again, when it isn't triple-digit hot, but as low as the 50s as night, a natural gathering spot is around the fire pit.
I thought it would be too cold to swim at the Sellwood Park outdoor pool, but it turns out the pool was heated! Portland has year-round indoor pools at several community centers too.  
Amon's big splash
Fox and I had never been to a Cirque du Soleil performance so we caught Alegria. I must have had a stunned expression on my face the entire time!  The performers were so agile and strong!  How on earth do you balance your entire body on one arm?  I'm still doing wall pushups....

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