Sunday, October 2, 2022

Muir Beach and Mt. Tamalpais (Monday, August 15, 2022)

Muir Beach Overlook is the site of several WWII observation posts that were part of the San Francisco Defense System. Soldiers used telescopes to search the Pacific for invading warships.
Muir Beach, just 3 miles from Muir Woods, is accessed via a 450-foot pedestrian bridge from the parking lot. The bridge allows Redwood Creek to connect to its natural floodplain, a habitat for threatened and endangered species.
High tide or low tide?  We couldn't tell.
We were able to drive almost to the top of 2,579 foot Mt. Tamalpais in Marin County. We hiked the last 3/10 mile to the fire lookout station, now closed. We think the forests are monitored via drones these days.
Sunset from the fire lookout
The mountaintop is about 45 minutes north of San Francisco. If it weren't sunset, you would be able to see the city off in the distance.

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