Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Grove Park Inn gingerbread houses plus (Asheville, December 14, 2022)

 With the fortune made from his tasteless tonic, Edwin Wiley Grove built the Grove Park Inn and more. Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, which was first sold in 1885, was a fever-remedy made from quinine suspended in a flavored syrup to eliminate the bitter taste. Cured your fever and made you fat. Today he'd have to claim it makes you skinny.

Papa and me behind a Dio de los Muertos gingerbread house. The shingles are made from cereal, I think.
Brandy and Ryder behind the Under the Sea gingerbread/other edible things (but not fish) creation.
Brandy, Piper, and Ryder at one of the Grove Park Inn trees.
One gingerbread creator put Tom on the Naughty list, all by himself. How did she know?
The creator of this gingerbread typewriter and put Piper at the top of the naughty list! Nobody else in the family except for Papa Tom appeared on any naughty lists. But no nice lists either.
Piper in front of the gingerbread typewriter.
Human-sized gingerbread coffee shop in the Grove Park Inn lobby. The 25-day, 500-hour build took, in part, 400 pounds of powdered sugar, 160 pounds of flour, 6 pounds of ginger, 94 pounds of eggs/egg whites, and 60 pounds of assorted candy.

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