Saturday, May 11, 2024

Solar eclipse (12:17 p.m to 2:58 p.m., Monday, April 8, 2024)

TxDOT Wurdle: "Solar eclipse Monday."  TxDOT admonished us not to stop on the highway to watch the eclipse.
Eclipse glasses over or under regular glasses? We needed both to see the eclipse.
And so it began. I used a filter over the cell phone camera. Disappointed that photo isn't sharp.
Very cloudy skies. Fingers crossed for no cloud cover at totality.
Bernie, Connie, and Tanner
Totality: 1:37 p.m.  Not midnight darkness as expected. More like dusk.

The moon is moving on.  Jimmy is in the background. Tom, Bernie, Connie, Tanner, and Sharon

 Our menfolk. Tom, Bernie, and Jimmy

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